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2017-9-12 10:49| 发布者: 御城雪| 查看: 116119| 评论: 0|来自: 中国水产频道

摘要: F3国际鱼油挑战赛的目标是加快提供具有竞争力的经济可行的鱼油替代品,在为养殖鱼类提供必需营养成分的同时,减少对野生鱼类的捕捞压力,加强全球粮食安全。如欲了解更多信息和注册参赛,敬请访问:www.f3challege.o ...
  Seafood Innovation Contest to Develop “Fish-Free” Fish Oil Launches
  Fish Oil Challenge seeks innovators to streamline aquaculture feed supply chain
  Sept. 7, 2017—A new contest to innovate a fish oil alternative that doesn’t rely on wild-caught fish officially launched this week. The F3 Fish Oil Challenge will award a $100,000 prize to the company or team that makes and sells the most fish-free “fish oil” to aquaculture operations or feed manufacturers. The prize amount is expected to increase through additional crowdsource fundraising.
  值此首届F3无鱼饲料挑战赛闭幕之际,新一轮鱼油替代挑战赛于上周正式启动。本届F3鱼油替代挑战赛将颁发超过10万美金的奖金给销售最多鱼油替代品给水产养殖户或饲料生产商的公司或团队。筹款还在继续进行中, 奖金的最终数额有望大幅度提高。
  The F3 (Future of Fish Feed) team, a collaboration of scientists, environmentalists and industry leaders, is currently recruiting innovators to join the global race to help remove a bottleneck to growth in the aquaculture industry. Aquaculture is poised to explode as the supplier of one of the world's most efficient sources of animal proteins to feed our planet’s growing population. However, the industry is being held back by the availability of one key ingredient: fish oil, which provides important omega fatty acids for animal and human nutrition.
  The University of Arizona, New England Aquarium, University of Massachusetts Boston, Synbiobeta, Anthropocene Institute and The World Bank are sponsoring the contest that aims to both support and streamline the aquaculture feed supply chain.
  “We are seeking innovators who do not accept business-as-usual and will apply their ingenuity to make aquaculture industry more feasible, and more environmentally responsible now and in the future,” said University of Arizona Professor Kevin Fitzsimmons, a judge of the Fish Oil Challenge and former president of the World Aquaculture Society. “Changing the way we grow farmed fish is vital to feed ourselves without further depleting the wild-fish populations on which aquaculture depends.”
  本届挑战赛裁判之一、世界水产养殖协会前主席、亚利桑那大学教授凯文·菲茨西蒙斯表示:“我们正在寻找不循常规的创新者们,借助他们的聪明才智,让水产养殖变得更具可行性且更加环保。改变养殖的传统方式,减少对竭尽枯竭的野生鱼类资源的依赖,对于养活人类而言,至关重要 。”
  Fish farms, or aquaculture, now provide about half of the world’s seafood. And, fish farm owners are looking for new and innovative ways to feed all those billions of fish in a way that doesn’t rely on fish resources from the ocean. Oily fish, like sardines, anchovies and menhaden, called “forage fish,” are currently harvested from the wild and fed to farmed-raised fish to provide them with these essential fatty oils.
  就目前而言,将近一半的世界水产品来自于水产养殖 。许多养殖者一直在寻找创新的方法,期望摆脱对海洋鱼类资源即鱼粉鱼油的依赖。油性鱼类,例如沙丁鱼,凤尾和鲱鱼,又称“饵料鱼”,在海洋里被捕获后通常用作生产水产饲料的原料,为养殖鱼类提供必需的脂肪酸。
  The problem is that these fish are also crucial food for other commercial fisheries like cod, salmon, tuna, as well as marine mammals like whales, dolphins and seals as well as seabirds. If these wild fish populations at the center of the food chain disappear, so will the life that depends on it.
  For the current rate of expansion of aquaculture to continue, most scientists and aquaculture industry analysts agree that alternative ingredients need to be used. If alternatives are not found the aquaculture industry will contract, according to the World Bank. Some of the innovations may be found in new collaborations between the biotechnology and seafood sectors to create a fish-free fish oil that provides essential nutrients for aquaculture and for people using fewer land and water resources.
  基于当前水产养殖的增长速度,大多数科学家和行业分析师都认为鱼粉鱼油的替代非常有必要。世界银行认为,如果没有发现合适的替代品,水产养殖业的发展必将受限。正在兴起的生物技术和水产行业的合作,极有可能激发研制出一系列创新的鱼油替代品,能够在使用较少土地和水资源的情况下,为水产养殖和人类提供必需的营养 。
  “From its inception, biotechnology has been about finding solutions to societal challenges,” said Christopher Oakes, director of corporate development at SynBioBeta, the activity hub for the synthetic biology industry. "Our hope is that we can apply engineering principles to biology and increase collaboration between these two industries to improve the sustainability of farm-raised seafood."
  合成工业中的明星企业SynBioBeta公司,其发展总监Christopher Oakes表示:“自一开始,生物技术就一直在寻求解决社会挑战的方案。我们的希望是,将工程原理应用于生物学,增加两个行业之间的合作,以提高养殖水产品的可持续性。”
  Essential fatty acids (EFAs), known as omega-3s and 6 and found in fish oils, are critical building blocks of a fish diet. An optimal balance of these key nutrients in aquaculture-raised fish feed is needed to ensure that the fish are healthy and highly nutritious for consumers. Currently only one of these fatty acids, called DHA, is available from non-fish sources such as algae. Innovating a complete fish oil replacement that contains the other two essential fatty acids, known as EPA and ARA, in an optimal ratio that mimics the fatty acid profile found in forage fish is the goal of the challenge. EFAs are important for the health of the human nervous system, including the health of the heart and brain.
  鱼油中发现的必需脂肪酸(EFAs),包含ω-3和ω-6系脂肪酸,是鱼类营养所需的关键元素。饲料中的这些主要营养元素必须达到平衡,才能确保养殖鱼类的食品安全和营养价值。目前,只有 DHA这种必需脂肪酸可从非鱼源(如藻类)获得。本次挑战赛的目标是,研发一款完美的鱼油替代品,它富含另外两种必需脂肪酸EPA和ARA,且二者比率能跟野生饵料鱼水平相当。EFAs对于人类神经系统包括心脏和脑的健康,都是非常重要的。
  To help the contestants, the F3 team’s fish nutrition experts have used known fatty acid profiles of wild forage fish to develop target values that will need to be met to qualify as a viable fish oil replacement. View Contest Rules.
  F3团队的鱼类营养专家依据已知的野生饵料鱼脂肪酸水平设计了挑战的目标值,只有满足这个目标值,才能成为可行的鱼油替代品。欲查看比赛规则,请点击:Contest Rules。
  Raising healthy fish on fish-free feed has many consumer benefits as well. The sustainable harvest of forage fish is of increasing importance for preserving life in the oceans and to make aquaculture more environmentally responsible for consumers.
  Since the current supply of fishmeal and fish oil from the ocean is limited and fluctuates based upon environmental conditions, sourcing of sustainable ingredients for aquaculture feeds is a main factor considered by seafood eco-labels, which provide consumers with important information about the sustainability of the seafood they buy.
  Recent scientific studies have also found harmful levels of mercury and other pollutants in forage fish that accumulate in the ocean, which could be a cause for concern among consumers.
  “Our goal is to use technological innovation to overcome challenges in the aquaculture supply chain and change the way we feed farm-raised fish,” said Fitzsimmons. “The industry has made tremendous strides to vastly increase yields of aquaculture products with limited supplies of fish meal and fish oil. However, if we are to become even more sustainable and want to ensure a robust industry in the future, more innovation is needed to find cost-effective alternative ingredients.”
  China and the Asia-Pacific region are the largest markets in the global aquaculture industry, which is expected to be worth over $200 billion by 2020. The global fish oil market is projected to reach over $4 billion by 2021, and the rapidly expanding growing global aquaculture industry is the greatest source of demand for fish oil. Demand for fish oil as an ingredient in dietary supplements and pet food is also on the rise.
  The first challenge by the F3 team, the Fish-Free Feed Challenge, was a game-changer in the fish feed industry by helping to promote the adoption of fish-free feed to improve the overall sustainability of the aquaculture industry. The challenge drew contestants from all over the world who have collectively sold over 100,000 metric tons of fish-free feed, saving over 100 million forage fish from being used as fish feed. This new challenge will help provide a key strategic ingredient that will enable aquaculture to expand more quickly, independent of wild-caught fish stocks, enhancing global food security.
  The goal of the F3 Fish Oil Challenge is to accelerate the availability of cost-competitive, viable alternatives to fish oil that provide the essential nutritional components for fish that at the same time help reduce demand for wild-caught for fish feed and enhance food security. To learn more and register to compete, visit: www.f3challege.org.
  # # #
  Media Contact (媒体联系):
  Annie Reisewitz
  Strategic Ocean Solutions
  858-228-0526 (mobile)















